STIR Howto
This page refers to a number for smaller projects on how you can achieve things with STIR. Please also refer to the STIR documentation and the STIR FAQ.
Using STIR executables
- STIR only simulations: see the samples/PET_simulation directory in your downloaded files
- Combining XCAT, ASIM and STIR
- Running SimSET and STIR: see the SimSET directory in your downloaded files
- Using STIR with Docker (a post by Ashley Gillman on how he uses Docker to run in STIR executables in a container)
Developing new code using STIR
Check also the STIR developer's overview.
Content license
All content on this wiki uses the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License File:CreativeCommons-BY-SA-Logo.png